BURKINABÈ RISING: The Art of Resistance in Burkina Faso / 71min / 2017 / Dir. Iara Lee
TRAILER https://culturesofresistancefilms.com/burkinabe-rising#trailer
A small landlocked country in West Africa, Burkina Faso is home to a vibrant community of artists, musicians, engaged citizens who carry on the revolutionary spirit of Thomas Sankara, killed in a coup d’état led by his best friend and advisor Blaise Compaoré, who then ruled the country as an autocrat for 27 years, til a massive popular insurrection led to his removal. Today, the spirit of resistance and political change is mightier than ever and it permeates every aspect of the Burkinabè life. It is an inspiration, not only to Africa, but to the rest of the world.
CARNIVAL: THE SOUND OF A PEOPLE / 2018 / Dirs. Etienne Charles and Maria Nunes
TRAILER https://www.etiennecharles.com/videos
Juilliard trained master Trumpeter and jazz Professor Etienne Charles travelled to his homeland of Trinidad & Tobago with film director Maria Nunes to film the carnival scene and roots. Bamboo and Jab Molassie are portraits of the jazz scene as experienced by Etienne against the backdrop of the evolution of the carnival in post-colonial Port of Spain and Paramin, Trinidad
BLACK ECHO III: BAMBOO is the third movement of a composition by Etienne Charles as part of his newest album “Carnival: The Sound of a People”. The suite highlights the evolution of sonic identity in Trinidad & Tobago due to suppression by the British Colonial Authorities in the 19th century. In this movement, Charles goes to Claxton Bay to record the legendary group Claxton Bay Tamboo Bamboo. The footage was recorded for Charles to work with during his composition process. The film was constructed to showcase the inspirations and research behind the musical creation.
JAB MOLASSIE was conceptualized and composed by Etienne Charles as part of his latest album, ‘Carnival: The Sound of a People’. The film shows Charles as he is exposed to the sights, sounds, and movements of Jab Molassie in Paramin and Port of Spain, highlighting the myriad influences that inspired this composition. Initially, the footage was only used by the composer to inspire sounds. The idea for the film came after the music had been composed and recorded to increase awareness and impact.
NO RESERVATIONS / 11min / 2017 / Dir. Trevor Carroll (Ojibway, Canada)
TRAILER http://www.norezmovie.ca
What if the moccasin was on the other foot?
Political satire inspired by true-life events at Standing Rock #NoDAPL protests USA – a look at what life would be like if roles were reversed. Protests erupt as an upper-middle class neighborhood attempts to thwart the construction of a pipeline from an Indigenous Corporation. Starring Lorne Cardinal as Joseph Stillwater.