Thu 30 July 2020 — microIndigenous Panel at MicroMania FF

Event listing

contact us if stuck finding broadcast link to Panel — please share Event link — we want as many people as possible to attend.   [email protected]

#microIndigenous established with MicroMania Film Festival in consultation with Terry Jones TornJersey Media

Join award-winning Anishinabe/Mohawk writer and producer of Homies Chatting, and former CBC radio producer, Kim Wheeler with MicroMania 2020 FINALISTS: filmmakers Terry Jones Seneca – Wolf Clan, Jack Belhumeur Métis, and Meli Tuquota Tongaan, discussing Narrative Sovereignty and other topics.

$15 pass gives access to microINDIGENOUS, +5 other live panels, Crowdfunding for Independence (workshop) and 120+ amazing micro-Short films is available to pass holders only.

Although the 2020 incarnation of microIndigenous is screening exclusively online, the co-sponsors of microIndigenous, NSFF (based in London, UK) and MMFF (based in Buffalo, NY) would like acknowledge the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island, in particular the #Haudenosaunee, whose people, in particular, the #Seneca Nation, continue to occupy their ancestral lands in western New York State.